Resultados de la búsqueda : uaq (4) de 1 a 4

Lista de recursos ordenados por relevancia (relevancia, fecha, autor, institución, tipo, título)
ascendente - descendente
mostrando 100 (25, 50, 100, 200 )
Filtro: UDG (quitar)

Anterior - Siguiente

  1. Otro
    "Computed tomography of kidney stones for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy"
    Rodriguez, A.O.. Cadena, M.. Azpiroz, J.. Gutierrez, J.. Bustos, J.. Castano, E.. Loske, A.M..
    UDG (2006)

  2. Otro
    "Computed tomography of kidney stones for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy"
    Rodriguez, A.O.. Cadena, M.. Azpiroz, J.. Gutierrez, J.. Bustos, J.. Castano, E.. Loske, A.M..
    UDG (2006)

  3. Artículo
    "Pre- and post-natal protein malnutrition alters the effect of rapid eye movements sleep-deprivation by the platform-technique upon the electrocorticogram of the circadian sleep-wake cycle and its frequency bands in the rat"
    Cintra, L.. Duran, P.. Guevara, M.A.. Aguilar, A.. Castaon-Cervantes, O..
    UDG (2002)

  4. Artículo
    "Pre- and post-natal protein malnutrition alters the effect of rapid eye movements sleep-deprivation by the platform-technique upon the electrocorticogram of the circadian sleep-wake cycle and its frequency bands in the rat"
    Cintra, L.. Duran, P.. Guevara, M.A.. Aguilar, A.. Castaon-Cervantes, O..
    UDG (2002)
Anterior - Siguiente